Who can write a review on ResellerRatings

Learn who we allow to write a review

To keep the content of our site top-notch, it's important to understand who can actually write a review on ResellerRatings. We are looking for reviewers that have had a genuine experience with a store.

That constitutes the following

  • they have purchased from the store

  • they have gone through an order experience with a store

  • they have engaged with a representative of the store (whether through chat, phone or in-person)

  • they have visited a store or used its products or services

In some cases, some people are simply trying to find something to buy and cannot due to a bad experience. Some people cannot buy anything due to technical difficulties. Others may have tried to buy something but had a bad experience (or a great experience) with a customer representative. All these moments matter.

Who can't write reviews on ResellerRatings?

  • if you own stock, have family who is or are connected to a particular store via ownership

  • You were employed or are employed by that company

  • You are a direct competitor business to the company

Different Reviewers and the Distinctions

There are a few different types of reviewers.

  • A verified review is from a reviewer who had a verified experience with the store through a purchase process. In this case, we have confirmed this customer and validated their authenticity. The vast majority of reviews on ResellerRatings are verified, accounting for around 90% of the collection.

  • Anonymous reviews - some companies may acquire reviews anonymously due to high concerns about data, privacy, and compliance laws. They however still would like to collect general reviews. Only a merchant member, who follows our collection process guidelines may enact this feature.

  • Organic - Reviews that are not labeled as verified are organic reviews. While they have come in and verified their email, the customer themselves has only their review and invoice number to verify they have purchased. In this case, the review was not solicited by an actual merchant, and they came in organic.

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