Social QA - Visual replies

You can embed replies with video, pdf's, links and more creating a much more engaging response.

We've recently added an exciting new feature that allows you to embed links, images, and videos into your public replies for brand/product review as well as social Q&A. This feature provides a unique and custom approach to responding to your customers inside the TrustHQ dashboard.

Why it's awesome

Simply put, it allows for more dynamic and interesting responses to your content page.  For example, why not leave a video response back instead of a text?  Or how 'bout if a customer needs to see the manual for a product, you provide a direct link so everyone can see it?  


The ability to include visuals is a great way to provide more context to your responses. By including images, videos, and links, you can provide your customers with relevant and helpful information to help them make an informed decision or answer their questions. In addition, it also allows you to showcase your product or brand more engagingly.

How to use it

Go to

  • Manage & Engage > Social Q&A 
  • Find a product you need to answer
  • Paste a link (URL, website, Image, Youtube Video, Loom, etc)



For brands, this feature allows you to respond to customer reviews in a more timely and personalized manner. When you reply to reviews with visuals, your customers may be more likely to engage with your response and understand your message more clearly. As a result, this may help you build more trust with your customers, and positively impact your brand reputation.

For businesses that provide customer service through Q&A, this new feature can help you provide more comprehensive answers to customer questions. By including visuals, you can provide customers with a better understanding of your answer. This can help them get the information they need quickly and efficiently.