Survey Settings - Survey Delay

Time your surveys for delivery

SellerRatings | Product Reviews


What is it?

You can automatically set how long a survey is deployed to a customer.  In the cases of digital goods, it serves to serve an email survey (or instant survey) right after purchase.  In the case of other services that have deliverable products - it serves to have delivery of emails set as a certain time period after.  
You can specify this.  Any product review mailer with seller rating acquisition is set to a timed delay of 2x the seller ratings delay.

  • Allows the customer to get the product, and complete the delivery before they write their survey

  • Can be set for both follow-ups and initial survey

You can set the delay for the survey, follow-up, product reviews, or brand reviews independently

Where to find it

Portal >  Settings > Collection

Setting Exit Survey Delay

2. Click on Settings

3. Click on Collection

4. Click on Exit Survey Delay…

Click on Exit Survey Delay…

5. Enter in the number of days of delay after your email trigger on checkout or via BCC (we usually recommend 5 days)

6. Click on Save

Click on Save




Setting Delays for Follow-ups

Likewise, if you haven't received a review, you can set up a follow-up email to go out to try later.  The follow-up email can also be independently set for delay timing so you can get it to your liking.


2. Click on Settings

Click on Settings

3. Click on Follow up Settings…

Click on Follow up Settings…

4. You can enable Follow up Settings here for both BRAND and Product Reviews

You can enable Follow up Settings here for both BRAND and Product Reviews

5. Set Follow up to 'On'

Set Follow up to 'On'

6. Modify Days

This is the number of days after the initial survey is sent out if the customer has not engaged with the first survey

Modify Days

7. Click on On

Click on On


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