Survey Settings - Competitor Check

Survey Settings - Competitor Check ResellerRatings Team

When to use it? 

Competitor mention allows you to automatically flag and note reviews that may mention your competitors. This takes the burden off of your team in identifying certain competitor verbiage  .We also allow you to route the review back to the author to remove the mention and adjust their review.

Where it can be found

Portal > SellerRatings > Start Collection > Settings


  • Remove workload from internal teams on competitor mentions

  • Automated management of your ResellerRatings Listing


Setting up your Competition Mention List 

You have two main options when setting up your competitor mention list.First you can enable it itself under Survey Customization.You can also enable ‘routing’ the review back to the author if the mention is detected.

Secondarily, you can actually set up your list of competitors that you want to cull.This is simply a comma separated list of competitor names.You can include formats such as

  • Competitor1, competitor2,, etc

Turn on Customer Email

Customer Email option will automatically email your customers with the review that may have an issue and gently ask them to modify the competitor name or obscure it.  This gives the customer a chance to look at their review content.

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