Review Collection - Low Conversion Rates?

Sometimes you'll have low conversion rates, let's dig deep into some reasons why and how to fix this.

Review fatigue and survey fatigue for consumers are real.    It's super important to treat the touchpoint with huge amounts of respect - so you can pull the most insights from customers AND make sure they are heard.  

ResellerRatings has high conversion rates - this is because most people know Google syndicates their reviews AND have a high visibility rate in search.  However, what should you expect for conversion?

Let's break the problem down into two topics.

  • Low reviews
  • Low Open to Click Rate

Now let's set some baseline markers for expectations.

Typical conversion rates for review request emails range between 4% and 15%, with 15% being on the very high end. This typically represents a highly tweaked campaign as well as engaged shoppers.  

If you find yourself below this - let's see what you can do.  

Where do I find my Survey Conversion Stats?

Go to Dashboard > Analytics > Survey Collection Stats



The main Survey collection stats screen!

Low Review Count

If you have generally low review counts - first of all 1. sample all your customers.  If you're already sampling all your customers go to our dashboard and check out your 'open to send rate'.    You can generally sample more people for store-checkout reviews which have a much higher review count rate but don't count towards your overall reviews sent to our publishing partners.

1. Use Accelerator Campaigns - Try targeting older customers who haven't left a review to boost your overall sampling rate.  Use accelerators to push campaigns out and start campaigns as opposed to waiting for orders to come through if you're a low-order store.

2.  Deploy Follow Ups - 

Follow-ups: Sending follow-up emails to remind customers to leave a review after an initial request can push the conversion rate higher. About 28% of customers will leave a review after receiving a second request.

Check out Help on Follow-Ups


Low Open to Click rate

Make your email compelling.   By optimizing your review request email strategy through thoughtful timing, concise messaging, and personalization, you can improve the number of reviews collected and, consequently, your conversion rates.

Learn more here about - Customize Email and Advanced Customizations.

Keep It Short and Engaging: Subject lines with fewer than 7 words or 41 characters perform better, especially on mobile devices.

* Target - Gone are the days with emails with 10 different call to actions.  Make it short, concise, and have a main call to action as opposed to a few different call to actions on your email.  For example, if you have multiple offers listed on your outbound review email - that might detract from the review itself.  

Personalization: Including the customer’s name in the subject line can increase open rates by 15%. For example, “Hey [Name], How Did We Do?”.

Create a Sense of Urgency: Using phrases like “Don’t Forget to Share Your Thoughts” or “Review [Product] Today” can encourage immediate action.

Use a Real Person: Emails that appear to come from a recognizable or human-sounding name, like your CEO or customer service team member, have higher open rates than those from generic email addresses.

•If the first email doesn’t get opened, sending a reminder a few days later can lift the open rate by an additional 28% .

Next up: design for mobile. It’s 2024, and over half of emails get opened on mobile. Yet, too many emails are still designed like it’s 2010. Subject lines need to be brief, text needs to be readable, and don’t make them scroll endlessly.

All our emails are responsive so - you shouldn't have an issue there.  Make your email responsive, clean, and fast-loading. If it doesn’t look good on a phone, you’re already dead in the water.