ResellerRatings - Invite API

Utilize the ResellerRatings API to send more accurate review invitations.

How the Invite API works

You can conveniently collect reviews for ResellerRatings on brands and products via an API. This API is effectively a method to kick off collection that’s automatic but fed by triggers on external sources that may be automatic. For instance, you want an email triggered on a specific event for collection - with the API you can do this. The rules of how a review is absorbed upon initiation of collection is no different than what is standardized across ResellerRatings.


The Invite API replaces the ResellerRatings’ Accelerator tool and is particularly beneficial to:

  • Invoke invitations on non-purchase flows or at a particular unique point in the customer purchase flow

  • When code on the checkout page is not wanted

  • More control of when the survey(s) are delivered in the customer journey


I. Requesting your API Key and SellerID

Requesting your API credentials is simple. Please reach out to your implementation specialist or account manager for this information.


II. Setting up the Request URL

You will need two key pieces of information for the request URL.

  • SellerID

  • InviteAPI Key

The request URL will need to be formatted correctly, shown below:<SELLERID>/key/<API_KEY>

You will need to replace <SELLERID> and <API_KEY> with your unique credentials.


III. Setting Up the correct JSON String

The data string needs to be passed to us in the body with JSON formatting.


For SellerRatings:



For Product Reviews:

[{ "sku":"SKU1,SKU2", "email":"", "invoice":"AB12349","purchase_date":"2016-07-01"}]

SKUs must be comma-separated.


IIII. Intended Outcome