ASC - Collecting Surveys - Shopify

If you don't have a BCC field for Shopify, it's easy to associate collection with our unique email address.


Incoming Email : Shopify


2. Click on Settings

Click on Settings

3. Click on Notifications

Click on Notifications

4. Scroll down to "Staff Order Notifications"

Scroll down to "Staff Order Notifications"

5. Click on New order

Click on New order

6. Click on Edit code

Click on Edit code

7. Paste provided snippet into template editor

Paste the content provided by your CSR into the template after the opening <head> tag. The variables used here must be exactly as shown.

{%- capture rsr_data -%}



"email": "{{ email }}",

"invoice":"{{ name }}",

"transaction_date":"{{ created_at }}",

"sku": {{ line_items | map: 'sku' | json }}


{%- endcapture %}

<!{{ rsr_data }}-->

Paste provided snippet into template editor

8. Click on Save

Click on Save

9. Click on Close

Click on Close

10. Click on Settings

Click on Settings

11. Click on Notifications

Click on Notifications

12. Scroll down to "Staff Order Notifications"

Scroll down to "Staff Order Notifications"

13. Click on Add recipient

Click on Add recipient

14. Paste your unique ingestion destination address into "Email Address"

Paste your unique ingestion destination address into "Email Address"

15. Click on Add an order notification

Click on Add an order notification