2-1 Product Review Collector

Combine both brand and product review collection in one flow, maximize your survey touchpoints, and collect more reviews.

Plans: Pro Package & Above | Product Reviews


Traditional methods often require separate touchpoints for product and brand reviews, which can be time-consuming and less efficient. A 2-in-1 product review collection approach, where both product and brand reviews are gathered in a single customer interaction, offers numerous advantages. Here’s why this method is beneficial for brands looking to optimize their review collection process.


Why turn on 2-1 Product Reviews?




How to enable

1. Go to Review Collection

2.  Go to Automatic Review Collection > Product Reviews Tab

3.  Set 2-1 to enabled


Streamlined Process: Asking customers to provide both product and brand reviews in a single interaction simplifies the process for them. Instead of filling out multiple forms or surveys, they can provide comprehensive feedback all at once. This convenience can lead to higher response rates and more detailed reviews.


Reduced Survey Fatigue: By consolidating the review process, customers are less likely to feel overwhelmed or fatigued. This can result in more thoughtful and less hurried feedback, offering valuable insights for the brand.


Adopting a 2-in-1 product review collection approach offers significant advantages for brands. It enhances the customer experience, provides comprehensive insights, increases the volume and quality of feedback, optimizes resource utilization, and boosts marketing efforts. By integrating product and brand review collection into a single touchpoint, brands can efficiently gather valuable customer feedback and use it to drive continuous improvement and growth.